Nigel Slater’s breakfast recipe for melon soup, and puffed rice with cucumber
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Nigel Slater’s breakfast recipe for melon soup, and puffed rice with cucumber

May 13, 2023

A refreshing start to a summer's day. Ideally, something to make the night before and keep, tightly covered, in the fridge. Serves 4

tomatoes 500g, medium-sizedcantaloupe or other orange melon, 1kgmineral water 100ml, chilledbasil a handfullime 1olive oil 1 tbspice cubes 100g

Cut the tomatoes in half, scoop out the seeds and discard, then use a grater to reduce them to a coarse purée. Cut the melon in half, discard the seeds, then cut away the skin with a knife. Reduce the melon flesh to a rough purée in a blender. Stir the melon and grated tomato together, then stir in a little ice-cold mineral water to bring it to a thick soupy consistency. I suggest starting with 100ml. Shred the basil leaves and stir them into the tomato and melon, then season lightly with salt, a squeeze of lime and a little pepper. Chill thoroughly, the soup should be really cold, then trickle with a little olive oil and a handful of crushed ice before serving.

A crisp, lightly spiced way with puffed rice. Serves 4, as a side dish

pomegranate 1, smallcucumber 400gcoriander seeds 1 tspcumin seeds 1 tspgroundnut oil 2 tbspgaramasala 1 tspcurry powder 1 tspalmonds 50g, whole and skinnedchickpeas 1 x 400g canhemp seeds 30gsunflower seeds 30gpuffed rice 30g, unsweetenedolive oil

Crack open the pomegranate and remove the seeds, putting them in a mixing bowl and discarding any white pith. Peel the cucumber, lightly, leaving as much colour as you can, then cut in half lengthways. Scrape out the seeds and pith, then cut the flesh into small dice. Toss together with the pomegranate. Put the coriander and cumin seeds in a pan and warm them over a gentle heat. Let them cook, moving them around the pan, until crisp and fragrant. Tip the toasted seeds into a mortar and crush to a fine powder. Warm the oil in a shallow pan then, keeping the heat low, add the cumin and coriander, garamasala and curry powder, then the skinned almonds. Warm the nuts and spices, moving everything round the pan so it doesn't burn. Drain the chickpeas and stir them into the spices and almonds, together with the hemp seeds, sunflower seeds and puffed rice. Tip the warm chickpea mixture into the pomegranate and cucumber, add a trickle of olive oil, then toss gently and serve.

Follow Nigel on Instagram @NigelSlater

tomatoes cantaloupe mineral water basil lime olive oil ice cubes pomegranate cucumber coriander seeds cumin seeds groundnut oil garamasala curry powder almonds chickpeas hemp seeds sunflower seeds puffed rice olive oil